Getting Started with WiSHFUL testbeds and software

Getting Started

Anyone who is interested in getting aqcuanted with WiSHFUL and the supported federates testbeds should start by looking at the following pages for relevant information on the two major issues: First how to access the tesbeds and setup experiments, and second how to setup the WiSHFUL software enviroment and execute control program examples.After having mastered the previous,  the final step is to be able to write your own control programs making UPI calls to your devices under test.

There are also some recordings from a getting started webinar that cover the information below:

WiSHFUL getting started part 1: general overview

WiSHFUL getting started part 2: w.ilabt.t overview

WiSHFUL getting started part 3: Contiki overview

 Make a reservation and set up an experiment:

This step is mainly referencing on how to reserve and setup an experiment in w.iLab.t. However, swapping in your experiment and getting access to your nodes through Jfed tool is the same for all testbeds. For information on how to reserve resources on others server please contact us or the testbed owner. See our supported testbeds here


Setting up WiSHFUL environment

This tutorial takes you through the steps required to setup and have a sane WiSHFUL enviroment in the linux boxes you are going to be using in your experiment. Then you will be able to setup and execute WiSHFUL enabled examples from our Github.


Source code of WiSHFUL including examples of control programs

This is the official Github page of WiSHFUL. It contains all the source code for the core control framework, implementation of UPIs and connector modules for all supported platforms. Also there are many examples of Control Programs that can offer a good starting point on answering the question: What can i do with WiSHFUL?


UPI documentation 2.0:

The official WiSHFUL UPIs documentation page that is the reference point to find out information regarding supported UPIs as well as supported control and monitoring parameters for all supported platforms.