End Project Demo Showcase @ EUCNC 2018

The Fifth Open Call has been launched on August 9th, 2017 (Call is closed)
If you are interested in experimental validation of your wireless innovation in an advanced wireless test facility, and you want to receive funding for this together with technical support by highly skilled people, please read further here.
A Webinar to explain call details and to give guidlines to proposers was given on Friday, September 8th 2017 @ 14:00 (CEST). To see the webinar, see here, for more info on the Open Call 5, see here.
Learn more about WiSHFUL at CROWNCOM 2017 (Lisbon, 20-21 Sept. 2017)
The WiSHFUL project will give a tutorial at CROWNCOM2017. In a first part, the tutorial will present how the WiSHFUL architecture abstracts radio and network control functions and how it is capable to control the behaviour of heterogeneous wireless devices and networks at runtime through a well-defined unified programming interface. Next, this tutorial will explain how machine leaning techniques can be implemented on top of the WiSHFUL architecture for enabling intelligent radio and network control (also explored in the eWINE project). In the last part of the tutorial a real-life demonstration will be given of a wireless coexistence scanerio on the Portable Testbed. More info can be found here.
WiSHFUL focuses on speeding up the development and testing cycles of wireless solution developments. It defines software modules with unified interfaces that permit wireless developers to quickly implement and validate advanced wireless network solutions. The software modules will enable the quick and efficient tuning of radio and/or network parameters to find the best configuration given the wireless device’s operating environment. The software modules will also be reprogrammable with other, new modules, which can be downloaded from app-store like repositories.
WiSHFUL demo @ EuCNC 2015
Another step forward made by WiSHFUL is that it develops so-called “portable testbed”. While most of the facilities are fixed and can be remotely accessed, in this project, facilities will be transformed in a “pack-and-go” fashion. This way, advanced radio solutions can be fine-tuned for any real-world environment and any vertical market also involving real users.
WiSHFUL can help you:
and more…
The figure below provides a conceptual view of the blocks foreseen for the WiSHFUL software architecture.
Existing devices feature radio driver software comprising of PHY and some low-level MAC functionality and a network stack comprising some higher-level MAC and upper layer functionality depending on the implementation. In the WiSFUL vision, the radio and networking software will be extended with control functionality (i.e. radio and network control blocks in the figure) and the extension also exposes the corresponding configuration interfaces that can be used for interaction with both local and global (network-wide or cross-network) entities, such as intelligent control engines or application layer services.
The clean separation between radio control functions and network protocol functions is envisioned to break the current monolithic implementation of wireless stacks, thus alleviating future radio driver and networking software development efforts drastically, while preserving reliability and time accuracy constraints of radio and networking operations.
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